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Message by Oryema Walter

Prefer getting wisdom to anything on this earth and always inspire people!


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Personal Relationship and our surrounding

Thursday, August 25, 2022
A blog of inspiration

*Personal Relationship & our surrounding*

"Personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancement, all success, all achievement in real life begins.                                              _Ben Stein

The people you know, and who know you in a favorable way, will do more to determine your success, happiness, and level of achievement in life than any other single factor. No one achieves anything of consequence by himself or herself.

       In life, relationships are everything*
One of mentors said : 'You will be in five years what you are today except for the books you read and the people you meet.'

      Dr. David McClelland, author of The Achieving Society (Van Nostrand, 1961), concluded after 25 years of research at Harvard that your choice of a ''reference group'' would have more to do with your success than anything else. McClelland interviewed graduates of the university, as well as those who had attended his intensive seminars on achievement in American life. He tracked these people for many years. Many of them took what they had learned and did wonderful things with it. They built profitable businesses and successful careers.
However, many of the graduates failed to turn the information and ideas they had learned into later success.Why not? When he went back and surveyed them, he found that invariably they had returned to the same group of people they had been associating with before they had taken the advanced courses on achievement. As a result, they went back to the same old ways, the same old habits, the same old customs and manners of living. Because they were immersed in their old reference groups, nothing changed for them.

Your reference group

Your reference group is defined as the people you consider yourself to be similar to. For example, if you belong to a particular church, the members of that church are part of your reference group.You consider yourself to be like them. If you belong to a political party, a bowling league, or a particular profession, people in those groups and organizations are parts of your reference group. You identify strongly with them.🫂

       Over time, through a process of absorption(*self evaluation is needed here!!), you will adopt their attitudes, mannerisms, ways of speaking, levels of aspiration, and even their style of dress. Your reference group will exert an inordinate influence on the kind of person you become.You will adjust your goals, behaviors, and thoughts to be consistent with what you feel they will approve of.You see this with teenagers all the time


Walter says!
Thank you & be blessed🥂


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