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Message by Oryema Walter

Prefer getting wisdom to anything on this earth and always inspire people!


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Wednesday, November 2, 2022
A blog of inspiration


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📝    Only a learned man is able to help the society in a better way. A man must devote some time everyday to learning. Any waste of time is very harmful. 

A man should not be totally dependent on others to teach him something. He must take a personal responsibility towards learning. The more a man knows, the better way he will be able to serve the society. 

Do not learn just to earn money, or to gain success and fame. Such selfish learning is of no use.

“Anyone who stop learning is old, whether at twenty or at eighty”__ Henry Ford. 🤭

📝 Learning about topics that interest us makes most of us feel happy, at least in the moment, as does spending time honing hobbies we are passionate about (which is also an act of lifelong learning!). It stands to reason that building time for these things into your personal life would contribute to your overall happiness.

Continuous learning also helps us to keep pursuing our personal and professional development goals, and all the achievements along the way are a great source of happiness for many of us. 

People who don’t prioritise continuous learning enough in their own lives are likely to be less happy or fulfilled, as they spend less time exploring their interests and working on personal development.

 📝   Several scientific studies have shown that lifelong learning activities can help people maintain better brain function

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