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Message by Oryema Walter

Prefer getting wisdom to anything on this earth and always inspire people!


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Friday, November 11, 2022


📝 People may vary with their ideas of friendship. Others value friends to the extent of puting friendship at the top whenever they are listing the important things in their life. Some people on the other side, put friendship at the bottom of their lists. We all desire to have  wonderful and  rewarding friends. 

"You may have succeeded because of that true friend & if it wasn't , you wouldn't have".
Oh my! What a profitable kind of relationship this is!

📝    " Friendship is a total commitment since it requires us to first find the person and then build/groom friendship with the person. Good friends are very hard to find, harder to leave, and very impossible to forget.” 

With a true friend, there exists loyalty. You can weep with them, laugh with them, pray with them and you never feel bad about telling them who you really are. 

” Remember, a good friend is someone who walks into your world when the rest of your world is walking out ". 


Trust, support and acceptance are the three major pillars of a true friendship. 
There are categories of friends that come to our lives. 📝Each type of friend shapes our life in different ways. Some might be the reason for our success. For sure, some friends help  to build self confidence in us,  Others might give us hope that we didn't have before. Some might have more important purposes in our journey of life, while others might make us to have deeper and recognized values.

someone who can socially or professionally have support in a community or  on  different levels, this is what I call a true friend.

Trust is very Paramount when starting or maintaining a friendship and that's when the friendship can be even more beneficial in a professional community setting. Without trust, you don’t feel comfortable enough to truly be yourself.

Acceptance must truly exist as we continue to nurture our friendship. We should accept our friends the way they are, value their goals and encourage them where necessary.
We accept them the way they are, as they accept us the way we are. 
"Without acceptance, how hard it is for a true friendship to prevail since we are constantly judging the other or being judged!"

Support is one of the fundamental pillars of a true friendship. " Being there in the hard times is what I'm trying to mean"
Philosopher Aristotle wrote sometimes back on the importance of cultivating/grooming true friendships and he said: 
“In poverty, challenges, difficulties as well as in other misfortunes, people believe that friends are their only refuge,” 
Unstable friends disappear during the dark times (i.e. when we’re sick, going through a tough time at home or work) and reappear when the troubles have disappeared. They choose when or when not to be a friend.

Sincerely, being let down by a friend hurts. Especially when you’re in a tough spot and in need of someone to support you, give you hope, motivate you, confide in or ask advice from.

👥Be a friend!

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